Today, I would like to write about source control using xcode.
In order to use github, you need check "Create Git Repository on my Mac", when you create your xcode project,. Otherwise, local repository will not be installed.
Now put some labels or images on your storyboard.
Once you have done that, make your second commit.
First commit is automatically done when you initiated your project.
Move to Source tab and you can find your first commit.
Simply go to Source Control and click commit. write simple commit message in present tense and commit. You can also browse changes there.
After commit your project, make some mistakes on your project, such as delete some files or delete your UILabel.
Since you commit your project, you can always go back to your last commited version by selecting "dicard all changes" under source control tab.
You can also create new branch by simply write click on your master and select branch from master. Name a branch and checkout to new branch to work on the new branch.
You need to checkout to switch to new branch.
You can create new branch and select which branch you are going to merge into your master.
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